For the first time in centuries, a Second Daughter is born. Redarys, with a secret and dangerous power, is fated to be sacrificed to the Wolf in the Wilderwood. The Order of the Five Kings hopes that her sacrifice will be enough for their gods, who were long ago captured by the Wolf, to be returned to them. But Red soon learns that these legends told aren’t all truth.
How to know if an editor is the right fit for you and your book.
How do you know if an editor is actually a good fit for you? The editing process can feel daunting – but it doesn’t have to. These are eight questions you should ask yourself before hiring a professional editor. Knowing the answers to these can help you decide if they are the right fit for both you and your book. I want you to feel confident in your investment, know you are making the best and most informed decision possible, and decide how to make the right choice for both you and your book.
ARC Review: Belle Morte by Bella Higgin
Overall, this book is an exciting, light read. It’s exactly as I expected it to be and didn’t disappoint. If you are looking for something new and profound, this isn’t it. But if the vampire sub-genre and all its typical tropes are your guilty pleasure, than this is one you will enjoy as much as I did.
Improve Your Writing Skills by Reading
As writers, we are constantly on a mission to improve – at least you should be! Reading is one of the best ways you can improve your writing skills. Every writer has been transformed in some way by something they have read. Reading can provide you with new inspiration, styles, structures, and techniques. Check out this blog post for an extensive list of what to take notes on while you’re reading so that you can apply new narrative techniques to your own writing!
ARC Review: The City of Dusk by Tara Sim
The the first book in a dark, epic fantasy series. In the kingdom of Nexus, the heirs vie for the throne. But their realm of Vitae is dying, and the four heirs must form a reluctant alliance to save the realm, the kingdom, and their people.
Writing Prompts for Your Reading Journal
Have you have ever wondered what exactly to write about in your reading journal? Here are some prompts to spark your creativity and get you thinking more deeply while you read!
How to Set Writing Goals And Actually Achieve Them
Decide on your number one goal. Get clear on why it is important to you. Make a solid plan of small steps to achieve your goal. Create steps to ensure you actually follow through.
10 benefits of keeping a reading journal
The primary purpose of a reading journal is to enhance your reading life by helping you get more out of the books you read. It can help you achieve your reading goals and grow your skills as a writer. There are many benefits to keeping one and here I am going to give you my top ten reasons.
How to Start a Reading Journal
Reading journals are a great way to track your progress and achieve your reading goals this year! Learn what it’s all about and how you can get started today with a simple notebook.
Book Review: The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner
It’s a short, fun read with a fairly well-developed cast of characters and an engaging series of events. It has some shining, relatable moments: