A professional editor goes beyond fixing confusing errors in communication, they can help you create a more engaging and immersive story.
I am here not only to give you the expert feedback your story needs, but also to provide the support you need to bring your creative vision to life on the page.
Together we can hone your voice, strengthen your narrative, and get you closer to your goals as an author – one book at a time.
This service is for you if you are still in the development, drafting, writing, re-writing, or self-editing process.
A manuscript evaluation is a great way to get professional guidance when you are feeling stuck, needing confirmation on your story’s concepts, or need help finding and fixing narrative issues.
This is a big-picture approach that analyzes the content of your story and formulates a revision strategy to help you execute your intentions effectively.
You will receive an in-depth editorial assessment of strengths, weaknesses, and methods for improvement.
Focuses on the following:
- plot arc, hook, transitions, and flow
- character development and dialogue
- genre and marketability
- writing style, voice, and point of view
- narrative techniques and storytelling
- theme, setting, and world-building
- conflict, tension, and resolution
This service is for you if the content and structure of your book are complete – you’re done changing, cutting, adding, or rearranging scenes/words.
Copy editing focuses on the language and sentence-level issues.
The goal of copy editing is to make sure your intentions are clearly communicated and the details of your story, tone, and style are presented consistently.
Copy editing will ensure the writing and language is clear, correct, and consistent. For every book, I create a “style sheet” to track all editing notes and writing preferences.
Copyediting improves your story by removing anything distracting, so that your readers get the experience you want for them – no more awkwardness or confusion, just your vision shining through on the page.
Focuses on the following:
- grammar, spelling, and punctuation
- effective sentence structure and style
- transitions and flow
- word choice and usage
- verb tense
- clarity, consistency, and correctness
- point of view and voice
- consistent representation of story content
- imagery, description, and exposition
- showing vs telling and active vs. passive
- readability
This service is for you if your book is typeset and formatted.
Proofreading is the last step in the editing process – the final check for any remaining errors and formatting issues. The goal is to make sure your book is error-free before printing. It’s the final step to catch any lingering mistakes before you send your hard work out into the world for others to enjoy.
Focuses on the following:
- spelling, grammar, and punctuation
- format, typos, numbers, spacing, and paragraphing
- front and back matter
- fonts and headings
All Packages Include:
Pre-Edit Strategy Session: A 30-miniute virtual meeting with me to discuss your goals and vision for the book, any concerns you have with the manuscript, and answer any questions you may have about what to expect during the editing process.
Post-Edit Q&A Session: A 30-minute virtual meeting with me to discuss any questions you have about my feedback.
Multiple Passes: For every editing project, I complete multiple passes over the manuscript to ensure that nothing is missed.
Progress Updates: For longer projects, or those with an extended timeline, I report weekly to you via email with updates on my progress so you always stay informed.
Microsoft Word’s Track Changes: This is a feature that allows me to make suggested edits without permanently changing anything. When you receive my feedback, you have the ability to accept or reject each change individually – so you always have the final say on your manuscript.
Style Guides: In order to ensure that your manuscript is consistent with the publishing industry’s standards, I edit using The Chicago Manual of Style and Meriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary.
Manuscript Evaluation $0.01 per word
- Comprehensive Written Assessment
- In-line Comments
- 30 Min. Pre-edit Strategy Session
- 30 Min. Post-edit Q&A Session
Signature Copyedit $0.02 per word
- Line-by-line Feedback & Suggestions
- Editing Style Sheet
- 30 Min. Pre-edit Strategy Session
- 30 Min. Post Edit Q&A Session
Final Proofread $0.01 per word
- Line-by-line Corrections
- Front and Back Matter
- 30 Min. Pre-Edit Strategy Session
- 30 Min. Post-edit Q&A Session
Start Here: Free Sample Edit
With no obligations, this is the best way to make sure that I’m a good fit for both you and your book!